
The time required and, consequently, the price of a translation depends not only upon the length of the text, but also upon the degree of difficulty, the required time for comparing law, the required research time and the time it may take to format the text.

After looking through the text to be translated and agreeing details of the order with you, I will be happy to send you an estimate.

The price for certified translations (e. g. of deeds) is based on the translation and research work, the formatting work for copying the layout (including all stamps and seals, letterheads, signatures etc.) and the expenses for printing, stapling, signing and stamping the translation.

Please send me an email to receive an estimate.

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Language Combinations

German > English
English > German

Publications (in German)

Behrendt, Bettina/Keller, Diane (2012): 'Englisch als Gerichtssprache', NJW 4/2012, 14. – (opinion on behalf of the legal translators' mailing list 'Juristische Übersetzer' on a bill to introduce English as an official language in German courts)

Behrendt, Bettina (2011): 'Ermächtigte Übersetzer und allgemein beeidigte Dolmetscher müssen Rechtssprachkenntnisse nachweisen', KammerReport Hamm 5/2011, S. 21f.