Your order in detail.

After looking through the text to be translated, I will send you a cost estimate and inform you of the expected processing time.

I am grateful for your cooperation.

You expect a translation to meet all your requirements — and you are perfectly right. However, you, being the customer, may contribute to the adequacy of the translation for the specific purpose.


Strictly confidential handling of your documents and their contents goes without saying. Upon request, I will sign a confidentiality agreement. In that case, I will do the proofreading myself.

Questions are free of charge.

If you have further questions or would like to receive an estimate, please give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to your request!

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Language Combinations

German > English
English > German

Publications (in German)

Behrendt, Bettina/Keller, Diane (2012): 'Englisch als Gerichtssprache', NJW 4/2012, 14. – (opinion on behalf of the legal translators' mailing list 'Juristische Übersetzer' on a bill to introduce English as an official language in German courts)

Behrendt, Bettina (2011): 'Ermächtigte Übersetzer und allgemein beeidigte Dolmetscher müssen Rechtssprachkenntnisse nachweisen', KammerReport Hamm 5/2011, S. 21f.